Posted on 8/26/2020

Get Wild on Your Vacation

Cut loose from the norm. What happens here, stays with you!- Clarissa G.Beach, aquarium, beach, restaurant, souvenir shop, beach, rinse repeat. Get wild on your vacationAfter a couple of times spending your week on the sand, you might start to itch for something more exciting on your week at the beach. Maybe you’re starting to consider trying a more commercial destination with new activities, but you don’t want to lose the naturally scenic, family friendly “beach in my backyard” atmosphere you’ve come to love about the Crystal Coast.Well, fear not. There are new, exciting things coming to the coast all of the time. And many you may never have heard of. Here are just a few ways to get wild onyour vacation:
Tour downtown Beaufort by bike. It’s hot…welcome to summer in the Carolinas. Embrace the sweat and make your own breeze pedaling on a guided tour through downtown Beaufort. Choose from a variety of different tours and bring as many friends as you’d like.