Posted on 4/3/2020

Coloring Contest

Looking for some fun activities to keep the kids busy and entertained? We run a coloring contest year-round with a winner selected each month!

Download and print the coloring pages below for your kiddos to color. Once they've completed their masterpieces, you can submit them to us by emailing them to or if prefer, you can send them to us in a private message on our Facebook page. Once you do, they'll be entered into our coloring contest! 

All entries will be given a special spotlight feature on our Facebook page.

Monthly Contest Drawing Prizes:

  • Baby Sea Turtle Stuffed Animal
  • Bluewater Kids Sunglasses
  • 1 Year Subscription to National Geographic Kids

Don't forget to complete the bottom portion of the coloring sheet with your information before you send it off to us by email or Facebook private message.

Wish your kiddos good luck from all of us! Have fun. Stay healthy. Color away.
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