Posted on 4/5/2020

Indoor Scavenger Hunt

Need to get your kids hoppin'? How about an indoor scavenger hunt?

Through the COVID-19 Quarantine, Bluewater is here to help find creative ways to keep the entire family entertained. Be sure to check our blog regularly for news, tips, and helpful suggestions to make the most of your stay. We want you to have the best time, despite the current conditions. 

We know it's hard to keep your kiddos moving with these new circumstances we are all in, so we are here to help! This scavenger hunt can be a great activity to add to your child's day! Scavenger hunts are an incredibly fun and easy way to get the whole family involved!

Indoor Scavenger Hunt

  • An item that reminds you of the beach
  • A movie that has a "B" in the title
  • One Puzzle piece
  • Five things that are blue
  • Six different legos
  • Something that smells good
  • Something that feels cozy
  • A beach toy or beach towel
  • Something that's made with water
  • Something that needs sun to survive
  • A book with the letter "W" in the title
  • Items with numbers on it - Not a watch
  • An item that is older than you
  • Find something that makes you happy
  • An item that makes a beautiful sound
  • A book with more than 100 pages
  • An item you are grateful for

From our home to yours!We hope you and your family enjoy this scavenger hunt!
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